About AirFox Photography
Map of FAA 107.51(b) waivers granted to AirFox Photography 9 in total. We are able to fly up to 800ft and 600ft Above Ground Level (AGL) for Drone Deer Recovery, and for regular aerial pictures and videos. With these waivers AirFox Photography will be able to scan and search for your deer faster and easier than before, giving you quicker and more accurate results than prevoius years. We can also give you a unique look at your land only previously done by an airplane. In 2024 we became a Wisconsin License Guide to help in Deer Recovery. Wisconsin Drone Deer Recovery Operator.
Deer Drone Recovery
We are passionate about hunting and how the use of Thermal drone technology can enhance it. As avid hunters and experienced drone pilots, we understand the value of having the right tools and knowledge to make the most of your outdoor experience. Our mission is to provide top-quality drone services that help hunters and property owners manage and enjoy their land to the fullest. With our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, we strive to deliver exceptional results that exceed your expectations and be the best Wisconsin drone service available. Wisconsin Drone Deer Recovery Operator and in 2024 be became a Wissonsin Licensed Guide to help in you finding your deer.
Our Thermal drone deer recovery service uses state-of-the-art thermal imaging technology to locate deer that hunters are unable to find. This is particularly helpful in cases where a deer has been wounded or has run off into difficult terrain. With our skilled drone deer recovery pilots and cutting-edge equipment, we can help you recover your deer quickly and efficiently. Wisconsin Drone Deer Recovery Operator
Herd Analysis
A meticulous search of your property. We are able to examine the property for various habitat areas and help with determining deer transition, feeding, bedding and uninhabitable areas. This is a very effective way to learn the exact number of bucks and does on your property . So you can be sure that you can manage your property in the most effective way possible.
Or use this service on a property you are looking to purchase before you dive in all the way.
Do you do still photography at these events as well as drone photography?
AirFox Photography does both still and video from the drone. I can switch between stills and video depends on what I want to capture at the time while in flight. This give us the ability to capture what I need for the project.
Why is it important to have a licensed drone pilot shoot my video?
FAA Remote Pilot License is required by law to fly a drone and capture images that a person plans to sell or give away to aid the furtherance of a business or product.
Waivers Granted by the FAA
107.51(b) is a waiver granted by the FAA to fly higher than the normal 400ft Above Ground Level (AGL) which is the legal limit for drones.
As of 6/28/2024 AirFox Photography has secured 9 FAA waivers up to 800ft Above Ground Level.
107.51 (b) And 1 FAA waiver granted at 600ft Above Ground Level for the DJI Matrice 30T drone
107.39 flight over people waivers
107.31 VLOS waiver
What happens if your aircraft is involved in an accident?
AirFox Photography carries a minimum of a 1 million dollar insurance policy to protect the customer in case anything would happen to go wrong.
How long have you been doing photography?
I have been doing photography since the early 80’s. Back then we used film. I took a break from commercial work to raise my family and always had plans to start up again when my kids where grown.
How did you get started doing drone photography?
My first thought when I decided to get back into photography was to capture it from the air using the drones.
AirFox Photography started with the Phantom 2’s and we have been building our fleet of drones to match the jobs and expectations of our customer’s. We had originally received our 333 exemption to fly drones for commercial work in February of 2016. The FAA has since replaced that with the Remote Pilot License which requires an air nautical test to be taken and passed. We did that in September of 2016 and that must be renewed every two years.